
Creating a genome STR index (optional)

Creates a bed file of large STR regions in the reference genome. This step is performed automatically as part of strling extract. However, when running multiple samples, it is more efficient to do it once, then pass the file to strling extract using the -g option.

strling index $reference_fasta

Single sample

Extract informative pairs to a binary format

strling extract -f $reference_fasta /path/to/$sample.cram $sample.bin

Output file: $sample.bin - a binary file describing STR-containing reads

Call strs on the extract binary data

mkdir -p str-results/
strling call --output-prefix str-results/$sample -f $reference_fasta /path/to/$sample.cram $sample.bin

Output files: $sample-bounds - STR loci interrogated in that sample $sample-genotype.txt - Locus size estimates and other per-locus information (see outputs) $sample-unplaced.txt - Counts of unplaced STR reads that could not be assigned to a specific locus

Joint calling

Extract informative read pairs to a binary format for each sample

This step is the same as above, you can use the same bin files.

strling extract -f $reference_fasta /path/to/$sample2.cram $sample1.bin
strling extract -f $reference_fasta /path/to/$sample2.cram $sample2.bin

Output file(s): $sample1.bin, $sample2.bin, … - binary files describing STR-containing reads

Joint call str loci across all samples

Requires minimum read evidence from at least one sample.

mkdir -p str-results/
strling merge --output-prefix str-results/joint -f $reference_fasta $sample1.bin $sample2.bin

Output file: joint-bounds.txt - positions of STR loci found by combining across all individuals, used for the call stage when joint calling

Merging can be performed by chromosome to reduce memory requirements and parallelize using –chromosome. See the workflows for examples.

Call genotypes/estimate allele sizes for all loci in each sample

strling call --output-prefix str-results/$sample1 -b str-results/joint-bounds.txt -f $reference_fasta /path/to/$sample1.cram $sample1.bin
strling call --output-prefix str-results/$sample2 -b str-results/joint-bounds.txt -f $reference_fasta /path/to/$sample2.cram $sample2.bin

Output files as above.

Find outliers

Finds loci that are expanded in one individual relative to other individuals in the joint called cohort. --genotypes *-genotype.txt --unplaced *-unplaced.txt

Output files: STRs.tsv - a single file with all loci in all samples and their outlier p-values (see outputs) $sample.STRs.tsv - the same data, filtered to a single individual