Outputs ======= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: The main output file is `prefix-genotype.txt`. It reports all STR expansion loci that pass thresholds as well as any provided as input. The columns are: * chrom: chromosome/contig name * left: predicted left boundary of STR locus * right: predicted right boundary of STR locus * repeatunit: predicted STR repeat unit * allele1\_est: estimated size of the shorter allele in repeat units relative to the reference, from spanning reads (if any). "na" indicates no reads support an allele shorter than the read length, so both may be large. * allele2\_est: estimated size of the larger allele in repeat units relative to the reference, from anchored reads * anchored_reads: number of reads with evidence of expansion, which are anchored by a well aligned mate * spanning\_reads: number of reads that span the locus * spanning\_pairs: number of read pairs that span the locus * expected_spanning_pairs: number of read pairs expected to span the locus in the absence of an expansion, given local read depth * spanning_pairs_pctl: (1 + obs - exp) / (exp + 1) spanning read pairs as a percentile. Values range between 0 and 1, with smaller values greater confidence of a large expansion (especially homozygous) relative to other loci in that sample. * left\_clips: number of soft-clipped reads supporting the left side of the locus position * right\_clips: number of soft-clipped reads supporting the right side of the locus position * unplaced\_pairs: number of unplaced STR reads assigned to this locus (will only be >0 for a uniquely expanded repeat unit) * depth: local median depth around the locus * sum\_str\_counts: the sum of STR repeat units in all reads assigned to that locus Some additional outputs are provided with detailed supporting evidence used to make the genotype calls: * Putative str bounds: `prefix-bounds.txt` * Counts of str-like reads that are unplaced (could not be assigned to a locus): `prefix-unplaced.txt` Only output when compiled with `-d:debug`: * All str-like reads: `prefix-reads.txt` * Spanning reads and spanning pairs:`prefix-spanning.txt` The main output for the strling-outliers script is `STRs.tsv`. The columns are the same as above, except where specified: * chrom * left * right * locus: locus unique identifier in the form chrom-left-right-repeatunit * sample * repeatunit * allele1\_est * allele2\_est * spanning\_reads * spanning\_pairs * left\_clips * right\_clips * unplaced\_pairs * sum\_str\_counts * sum\_str\_log: log2 of depth normalized sum\_str\_counts * depth * outlier: z score testing for outliers * p: p value, is this locus significantly expanded relative to other samples? * p\_adj: p value adjusted for multiple testing per sample using the Benjamini-Hochberg method Note: p = 0.0 should be interpreted as p < 10e-310